- 招聘企业: 著名外资企业
- 所属行业: 不限
- 企业性质: 外商独资·外企办事处
- 企业规模: 10000人以上
- 所属部门:财务部
- 汇报对象:总裁
- 下属人数:10~
- 发布日期:2011-03-15
Job responsibility
1. Operation Finance - support China CFO
a. Oversee PRC entities budgeting, business planning and investment appraisal.
b. Review operation performance and action plan
c. Corporate governance – ensure all agreed recommendations are implemented.
2. Oversee the Price audit team
3. PRC Program BREAKTHRU’ finance operational representative
4. Support CFO in new investment and major expansion feasibility study and risk assessment.
5. Project manages pre/post acquisition and major expansion activities.