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CIC是中国领先的专业从事互联网、社会化媒体以及网络口碑(IWOM)研究的咨询公司,为客户提供定制化研究咨询服务、标准化行业报告、技术解决方案以及在线数据分析平台等产品和服务。作为网络口碑行业的领导者,CIC自2004年起率先投身于网络口碑领域中,定义并诠释了“IWOM-网络口碑” 这一概念,帮助客户认知社会化媒体及互联网文化的发展,以更好地将其运用于品牌公关、行业竞争分析、消费者研究与产品开发、营销沟通、媒体策划及执行、营销效果评估等领域的商业需求和战略创新,为客户和行业提供客观的第三方视野。
Website: www.ciccorporate.com
Blog: www.seeisee.com
New Dashboard: www.iwommaster.com
- 负责成本各环节的账务处理和会计核算,提交成本分析报告和优化建议;
- 编制公司的总账和明细账,及时准确的记录公司业务往来;
- 定期对账,如发现差异,查明差异原因,处理结账时有关的账务的调整事宜;
- 分析评估各项业务和各部门业绩,负责公司对外项目进度的追踪及项目成本的核算,提供财务建议和决策支持;
- 撰写财务分析报告、投资财务调研报告、可行性研究报告;
- 参与成本控制管理制度设计和成本目标规划;
- 负责公司预算的执行及分析;
- 向上级提出有关改进财务系统和财务运转的建议。
- 财务、会计类专业本科以上;
- 三年以上企业财务工作经验,有丰富财务处理工作经验,有中级会计师以上职称;
- 精通国家财税法律规范、财务核算、财务管理、财务分析、财务预测等财务制度和业务;
- 熟悉国家会计法规,了解税务法规和相关税收政策;
- 熟悉银行业务和报税流程;
- 熟悉会计报表的处理,会计法规和税法,熟练使用财务相关软件;
- 优秀的口头及书面表达能力;
- 熟练应用财务软件和办公软件;
- 熟练的英文听说读写能力。
- compile and analyze financial information to prepare financial statements including monthly and annual accounts;
- Monitor and support the internal and external financial and tax audit and examination processes;
- Responsible for checking employee reimbursements and expenses of company;
- Be responsible for budget implementation and analysis;
- analyze financial information to recommend or develop efficient use of resources and procedures, provide strategic recommendations and maintain solutions to business and financial problems
- Be responsible for updated projects tracking sheet and calculated project costs
- Assist department leader to develop, maintain and improve the company's accounting policies and financial management procedures.
- Bachelor’s or higher degree in Accounting or Finance
- Highly detail oriented and organized in work
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills with a customer service focus
- Familiar with the handling of financial statements, accounting regulations and tax laws, skilled use financial software
- Fluent English skill
- usually a minimum of 3 years experience in the management of financial systems and budgets, financial reporting, financial data analysis, auditing, taxation and providing financial advice strong stress tolerance |